Do you ever feel a little lost when it comes to knowing for sure what it is that God wants you to do to serve him? I sometimes feel that way. I've worked with the preschool/kindergarten age for the last 4 years almost 5 years at Church for Sunday School. While I have enjoyed it mostly, there are times I critique myself and wonder why I am there. I'm certainly would not say I'm a fabulous teacher. I could never teach a class full of kids full time. Sometimes I wonder if the kids even learn anything or enjoy being there. My son is in my class and all he talks about is how good his other class is. He doesn't talk about the class I teach. Is he the only one? So it makes me wonder if I am doing something wrong or if I am even in the right place to serve.
Then I stop and remember the verse I posted on my blog. Serve with Gladness. I needed that reminder today. No matter what it is we do, we are to serve the Lord with Gladness.
Psalm 100:2 "Serve the Lord with Gladness: come before his presence with singing.
I want to serve the Lord by what I do and say. By sharing my life with you, I hope that in some way I can point you to a better relationship with Christ.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Bible Quest-Money Continued
"A man is usually more careful of his money than he is of his principles."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Question 6.) Who offered Delilah silver to find out the secret of Samson's strength?
- See: Judges 16:5
Question 7.) According to Luke, the price of five sparrows was:
- See: Luke 12:6
Question 8.) For how much was Joseph sold to the Ishmeelites?
- See: Genesis 37:28
Question 9.) As Jesus watched, how much money did the poor widow throw into the treasury?
- See: Mark 12:41-42
Question 10.) What prophet's sons were greedy, and took bribes?
- See: 1 Samuel 8:1-3
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants. "
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin
"I know of nothing more despicable and pathetic than a man who devotes all the hours of the waking day to the making of money for money's sake. "
John D. Rockefeller
"What white man can say I never stole his land or a penny of his money? Yet they say that I am a thief."
Sitting Bull
Sitting Bull
"I'm hopeless with money; I simply spend what I've got. "
As you can see, there are many quotes on money that people have said over the years. Some of the names that said them I recognize and some I don't. Even the word money is mentioned 140 times out of 123 verses in the KJV Bible. While some knew the value of money, others never did learn the value. The one verse that sums it up is found in the Bible.
I Timothy 6:10
"For the love of money is the root of all evil:
which while some coveted after,
they have erred from the faith,
and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
Question 6.) Who offered Delilah silver to find out the secret of Samson's strength?
- See: Judges 16:5
Question 7.) According to Luke, the price of five sparrows was:
- See: Luke 12:6
Question 8.) For how much was Joseph sold to the Ishmeelites?
- See: Genesis 37:28
Question 9.) As Jesus watched, how much money did the poor widow throw into the treasury?
- See: Mark 12:41-42
Question 10.) What prophet's sons were greedy, and took bribes?
- See: 1 Samuel 8:1-3
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Crafters Niche Giveaway!
Head on over to my Craft Blog,,
where I am firing up a contest to give one lucky reader
a half off discount on my Cozy Cuddle Bunny blankets.
Contest ends July 3rd!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Thoughts on Money
I really wasn't for sure what to write. I don't even know why this week I chose to write about money of all things. Maybe it is because awhile back I was asked a question from another mother about how my husband and I made it work for me to stay at home. I wasn't for sure if I should post this, but I have taken some notes down about how we made it work.
I have grown up always working. I worked for my father who owned his own construction business. My job was to stain, varnish trim work, doors, windows cabinets etc. I also did a LOT of painting walls and even roofing, which was NOT my favorite thing to do. I would have shingle debris in my skin for days afterwards. Fast forward.... when I got married my husband wanted me to work. I always thought I would. We didn't think about the future and children coming into the picture very seriously. In fact I think the counseling we got should have been a lot better before we did marry.
I had always worked in banking and even thought I would be there until my dying days, but after we adopted our first son, I realized I needed a serious change. So I changed jobs for more money. I had a great job. I loved it and loved the people I worked for. Unfortunately the turn of the real estate market dived and I lost my job. My first time ever being told that I was being let go. We were really nervous about me loosing my job, but at that time I wasn't too worried. For about 6 months before loosing my job I had a desire in me start growing to stay at home. Six months before that I had lost a baby and it had devastated me. I really believe God stepped in at that time and said, "enough is enough" and He took my job from me.
It took me a couple months of really realizing it and working in my husband's heart, but after awhile we both realize that this is where I needed to be. In my home taking care of my family.
So back to the question, "How did you make it work?"
Well this will be lengthy, but if you are serious about it maybe this can help someone else.
2. Sell newer car and get a reliable, older car. Find someone who is knowledgable about that and can help you find anything you are looking for. I used to be scared about high mileage cars, but look at it as “what kind of motor does it have and what its performance record?” Many cars will run in the 100,000s with no major engine problems. You may have minor things to replace, but if you have a car that is paid off those expenses will be minimal. Plus there are people around that can help work on cars. My husband knows how to do a few things and has helped people out before.
3. Work to eliminate debt:
credit cards, car payments, memberships to magazines or gyms etc….-
Go to the Library and check out books and movies for free.
Eliminating debt will help free up your life big time!
Consolidate your debt if you can. Pay off higher interest rate debt first and then add that payment amount to the next debt.
Sometimes credit card companies can offer a low rate for a period of time. Make sure and watch for balance transfer fees, but sometimes combining credit card debt will make it easier to pay it off. Just make sure you can pay it off before the rate goes up.
Take all credit cards out of the wallet so the temptation to purchase won’t get you. It’s too easy to buy gas or stop at the store and then before you know it, your small purchases throughout the month is bigger than anticipated. We do however take one with us when traveling in case of emergencies.
4. Refinance your house to a lower fixed rate-
Make sure your new house payment will not eat up more than 30% of your future budget. Rates are really low right now for a 30 year fixed rate and that will help you get a little more house. NEVER get an adjustable rate loan. In 5-7 years your rate could sky rocket and then you could be in a big bind with a huge payment and not be able to afford it. Fixed rates are the best.
5.Evaluate your bills.
Is this bill necessary or a want? Do you need cable? Do you need extra features on your cell phone? What costs can be cut out of your grocery bill. Can you shop at discount stores?
6. How often do you eat out? Always send your husband's lunch to work, but feel free to treat yourself once in awhile. It’s hard not feeling like you are in prison and can’t go out and do anything once in awhile! Make a special night out for the family to celebrate once a month.
7. Watch it closely on spending cash, give yourself a weekly allowance. Allot a certain dollar amount each week and take that amount out in cash each pay period. Do not keep future weekly allotments in your wallet. Sometimes people have success doing this for grocery shopping. Spend only what you have.
8. Do you have unnecessary child care expenses?
9. Supplement your income
A. Watch 1-2 kids in your home. You can earn about 100-125 per kid a week if they are there 5 days a week, {$20-$25 a day per kid}
B. Clean someone’s home or business for them
C. Making things and selling them.
10. Sometimes we had to sell something we had in order to meet a need.
One of the things I have had to remind myself over and over again that this is only a season in our life. It’s been hard at times to be “content” with cutting back, but I can honestly say we have never been happier with what we have and where we are in life. There will always be another season where I can go do the things I want. For us we just don’t want to miss out on our children’s life.
I think the most important thing is this. Be content with what you have. It is so hard to do when you see others buying things all the time for their kids, but children really do not need to have everything. It will only make them spoiled and unthankful for what they do have.
Practice Philipians 4:11, "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, [therewith] to be content."
Hebrews 13:5, "[Let your] conversation [be] without covetousness; [and be] content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."
So even now, when I see someone who is young and starting out, I tell them this:
Make sure that you learn to live on one income. You never know when something may happen. Your spouse could lose his job, you could get pregnant and be on bed rest, or someone could die. We don't know what the future holds so be smart about how you live now. It can change in an instant. Don't get caught up in having all the latest gadgets, credit card debt, a large house payment with a large home. Be content because one day God may give you that precious baby and you may not what to leave the home to go back to work.
What will you do then if you have a mountain of debt and no way out?
I have grown up always working. I worked for my father who owned his own construction business. My job was to stain, varnish trim work, doors, windows cabinets etc. I also did a LOT of painting walls and even roofing, which was NOT my favorite thing to do. I would have shingle debris in my skin for days afterwards. Fast forward.... when I got married my husband wanted me to work. I always thought I would. We didn't think about the future and children coming into the picture very seriously. In fact I think the counseling we got should have been a lot better before we did marry.
I had always worked in banking and even thought I would be there until my dying days, but after we adopted our first son, I realized I needed a serious change. So I changed jobs for more money. I had a great job. I loved it and loved the people I worked for. Unfortunately the turn of the real estate market dived and I lost my job. My first time ever being told that I was being let go. We were really nervous about me loosing my job, but at that time I wasn't too worried. For about 6 months before loosing my job I had a desire in me start growing to stay at home. Six months before that I had lost a baby and it had devastated me. I really believe God stepped in at that time and said, "enough is enough" and He took my job from me.
It took me a couple months of really realizing it and working in my husband's heart, but after awhile we both realize that this is where I needed to be. In my home taking care of my family.
So back to the question, "How did you make it work?"
Well this will be lengthy, but if you are serious about it maybe this can help someone else.
Put into writing what your Income and expenses are on one income. This will help keep perspective in what is important to have and what debts/bills can be eliminated. You will be surprised how much child care and gas expense and eating out expenses can eat up what you make.
Areas to save in:
1. Food-including eating out
A. We cut out eating out at the beginning except on payday. We would go out and celebrate 1 time a month.
B. Ask for gift cards at Christmas time for getting meat at the locker or restaurants. Every little bit helps.
C. I shop at Aldi’s for some things. I am finding I like most of their stuff, but I don’t buy meat or produce there. Their chips are so cheap and I prefer them to some of the name brands you get at the other stores. You just have to experiment and find what things you like.
D. I also prepare a monthly menu once a month, complete with my grocery list. It helps me save time week to week trying to prepare things and keeps me out of the store more then I should and picking up unnecessary items.
E. Stock up on items that you use a lot of when they go on sale: frozen veggies, canned goods, cereals, flour and sugar etc….
F. I found a web-site recently that I need to look at more closely regarding grocery shopping and saving money at
While I plan my meals, I haven’t been great at planning cheaper but filling meals.
G. Make more of your foods from scratch. This will help cut down on what you buy in boxes at the store and it can be healthier too.
H. Look at your grocery bill and see what “extras” you are buying that you can live without. {Aldi’s has great alternative snacks that will save you $}
I. Baby Food: I started making my own baby food. Your vegetables you will save a lot on. I buy fresh produce when possible, but on the green beans and peas I just do frozen when it is on sale. Buying fruit and saving is a little more challenging, but if you watch the sales on fruit usually anything around .70 cents to maybe $1/lb you will save money on. I found this web-site that tells you how to prepare the different foods. I usually just use my blender and ice cube trays to make what I need for several weeks and freeze them. It’s good up to 30 days frozen.
2. Clothing:
A. I rarely buy anything full priced. I wait for Kohl’s 30% off coupon and then shop the discount racks. Or I will shop JC Penny’s when they send out a $10 coupon, I take the time to go buy something for “me” then. I sometime miss just being able to just go shopping for me, but I try to be satisfied with what I have.
B. Garage sales are great for gently used baby/toddler clothes
C. Sometimes you can find things at Goodwill, but I don’t often shop/get there.
D. Craigslist is great for finding clothes or baby items you need.
3. House expenses-
A. Adjust your thermostat in the winter and summer. You can save big time on those by adjusting them 4-6 degrees either way. Dress accordingly.
B. Budget billing is helpful. You know every month what you will be paying. I make it a game each year to see if I can save money and get a credit at the end of the year.
C. Make my own laundry soap. It can save you a lot of money in the long run. I just need to check and see if it is safe for sensitive skin.
4. Gas/Car Expense
A. Car pooling is great if you know someone who can
B. Gas efficient cars etc…
C. Group errands together so that you don’t have to get out all the time.
D. Find someone who knows how to work on cars who won’t charge you a lot to help out.
1. Pray about it-God has provided things for us in ways we never thought about. Sometimes it was through someone giving us a bag of gently used clothes, a gift card to eat out or clothes that came from relatives at Christmas and Birthday times.2. Sell newer car and get a reliable, older car. Find someone who is knowledgable about that and can help you find anything you are looking for. I used to be scared about high mileage cars, but look at it as “what kind of motor does it have and what its performance record?” Many cars will run in the 100,000s with no major engine problems. You may have minor things to replace, but if you have a car that is paid off those expenses will be minimal. Plus there are people around that can help work on cars. My husband knows how to do a few things and has helped people out before.
3. Work to eliminate debt:
credit cards, car payments, memberships to magazines or gyms etc….-
Go to the Library and check out books and movies for free.
Eliminating debt will help free up your life big time!
Consolidate your debt if you can. Pay off higher interest rate debt first and then add that payment amount to the next debt.
Sometimes credit card companies can offer a low rate for a period of time. Make sure and watch for balance transfer fees, but sometimes combining credit card debt will make it easier to pay it off. Just make sure you can pay it off before the rate goes up.
Take all credit cards out of the wallet so the temptation to purchase won’t get you. It’s too easy to buy gas or stop at the store and then before you know it, your small purchases throughout the month is bigger than anticipated. We do however take one with us when traveling in case of emergencies.
4. Refinance your house to a lower fixed rate-
Make sure your new house payment will not eat up more than 30% of your future budget. Rates are really low right now for a 30 year fixed rate and that will help you get a little more house. NEVER get an adjustable rate loan. In 5-7 years your rate could sky rocket and then you could be in a big bind with a huge payment and not be able to afford it. Fixed rates are the best.
5.Evaluate your bills.
Is this bill necessary or a want? Do you need cable? Do you need extra features on your cell phone? What costs can be cut out of your grocery bill. Can you shop at discount stores?
6. How often do you eat out? Always send your husband's lunch to work, but feel free to treat yourself once in awhile. It’s hard not feeling like you are in prison and can’t go out and do anything once in awhile! Make a special night out for the family to celebrate once a month.
7. Watch it closely on spending cash, give yourself a weekly allowance. Allot a certain dollar amount each week and take that amount out in cash each pay period. Do not keep future weekly allotments in your wallet. Sometimes people have success doing this for grocery shopping. Spend only what you have.
8. Do you have unnecessary child care expenses?
9. Supplement your income
A. Watch 1-2 kids in your home. You can earn about 100-125 per kid a week if they are there 5 days a week, {$20-$25 a day per kid}
B. Clean someone’s home or business for them
C. Making things and selling them.
10. Sometimes we had to sell something we had in order to meet a need.
One of the things I have had to remind myself over and over again that this is only a season in our life. It’s been hard at times to be “content” with cutting back, but I can honestly say we have never been happier with what we have and where we are in life. There will always be another season where I can go do the things I want. For us we just don’t want to miss out on our children’s life.
I think the most important thing is this. Be content with what you have. It is so hard to do when you see others buying things all the time for their kids, but children really do not need to have everything. It will only make them spoiled and unthankful for what they do have.
Practice Philipians 4:11, "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, [therewith] to be content."
Hebrews 13:5, "[Let your] conversation [be] without covetousness; [and be] content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."
So even now, when I see someone who is young and starting out, I tell them this:
Make sure that you learn to live on one income. You never know when something may happen. Your spouse could lose his job, you could get pregnant and be on bed rest, or someone could die. We don't know what the future holds so be smart about how you live now. It can change in an instant. Don't get caught up in having all the latest gadgets, credit card debt, a large house payment with a large home. Be content because one day God may give you that precious baby and you may not what to leave the home to go back to work.
What will you do then if you have a mountain of debt and no way out?
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Bible Quest-Money
Just as money is important today, money was important even in Bible times. So many times we use money for good to help one another, but money can also be used for evil purposes. As I stop and think about how Judas was swayed and enticed by riches, we too have to remember to be on guard because we too can be swayed and enticed by riches as well.
One thing our Pastor mentioned Sunday was, before you make a decision that can lead you into sin.... stop and think about the consequences you will have for that sin. Is it worth it? God forgives us for our sins, but because of the law of sowing and reaping we will still reap what we have sown. {and much more.}
Question 1.) What was the value of two sparrows in Jesus day?
- See: Matthew 10:29
Question 2.) A man whose 10,000 talent debt was written off, failed to forgive a debt of
- See: Matthew 18:28
Question 3.) How much was Judas Iscariot given to betray Jesus?
- See: Matthew 27:3
Question 4.) The love of money is the root of...?
- See: 1 Timothy 6:10
Question 5.) Who did Jesus send fishing to get money for taxes?
- See: Matthew 17:24-27
*To encourage you to look up the answers for each question, I am going to have you check yourself on your answers.
One thing our Pastor mentioned Sunday was, before you make a decision that can lead you into sin.... stop and think about the consequences you will have for that sin. Is it worth it? God forgives us for our sins, but because of the law of sowing and reaping we will still reap what we have sown. {and much more.}
Question 1.) What was the value of two sparrows in Jesus day?
- See: Matthew 10:29
Question 2.) A man whose 10,000 talent debt was written off, failed to forgive a debt of
- See: Matthew 18:28
Question 3.) How much was Judas Iscariot given to betray Jesus?
- See: Matthew 27:3
Question 4.) The love of money is the root of...?
- See: 1 Timothy 6:10
Question 5.) Who did Jesus send fishing to get money for taxes?
- See: Matthew 17:24-27
*To encourage you to look up the answers for each question, I am going to have you check yourself on your answers.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Motivate Me Monday
One of my favorite songs is Be Thou My Vision. I also love celtic sounding music too. There is something about it that motivates me. It frees me. Must have some Irish roots somewhere. I think there is on my mom's side. Have a Blessed Day!
Proverbs 22:24
Proverbs 22:24,
"Make no friendship with an angry man;
and with a furious man thou shalt not go:"
Our Pastor always tells us that behavior is "learned and allowed." Boy! Isn't that true. I grew up in a home where yelling was the normal communication mode when things got tough. I learned and observed this type of behavior as a child. It was never taught that this was wrong, but behavior that happens in a home usually becomes the stomping ground for the future generations to come until you put a stop to it. I never really thought of myself as an angry person. I would get "upset" and let it stew and then it would erupt later, just as my parents showed me. It can be hard to control until you realize the pattern that proceeds your outburst. I know that I am not the only one that struggles with this. So why is it so hard for one to confess? Don't we realize when we confess our faults one to anther it will heal us. "Confess [your] faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16.
So now you know one of my faults. I get tired and cranky just like anyone else and will snap just like anyone else. I put too much on my plate at times and feel like I got to get'er done. I allow my circumstances at times dictate how I feel. I hate being interrupted while doing what I want. While I don't feel that I get angry often, it doesn't matter how often I do. It is still sin and I am accountable for my actions. I must teach my children how to deal with it and learn at the same time what the Bible says about it.
Do you struggle with this sin?
What does the Bible say about an angry person?
Proverbs 14:29 says
"[He that is] slow to wrath [is] of great understanding:
but [he that is] hasty of spirit exalteth folly."
but [he that is] hasty of spirit exalteth folly."
The Bible says if you are slow to anger {wrath} you understand where anger can lead you. You are wise. But one who is quick to anger is impatient or short in spirit and will display his self as foolishness.
Matthew 5:22a,
"But I say unto you,
That whosoever is angry with his brother
without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment:"
That whosoever is angry with his brother
without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment:"
What happens to us when we get angry?
Will Suffer punishment.
Proverbs 19:19,
A man of great wrath shall suffer punishment:
for if thou deliver [him], yet thou must do it again.
for if thou deliver [him], yet thou must do it again.
Revealed as a fool.
Proverbs 12:26,
"A fool's wrath is presently known:
but a prudent [man] covereth shame."
but a prudent [man] covereth shame."
Lacks Friends
Proverbs 22:24,
"Make no friendship with an angry man;
and with a furious man thou shalt not go:"
and with a furious man thou shalt not go:"
Affects the body badly
Proverbs 14:30,
"A sound heart [is] the life of the flesh:
but envy the rottenness of the bones."
but envy the rottenness of the bones."
Angry man in danger of the same judgment as the murderer.
Matthew 5:21-22,
"Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time,
Thou shalt not kill;
and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:
But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother
without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment:
and whosoever shall say to his brother,
Raca, shall be in danger of the council:
but whosoever shall say,
Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire."
Thou shalt not kill;
and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:
But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother
without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment:
and whosoever shall say to his brother,
Raca, shall be in danger of the council:
but whosoever shall say,
Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire."
What should the angry person do?
Ephesians 4:26,
"Be ye angry, and sin not:
let not the sun go down upon your wrath:"
let not the sun go down upon your wrath:"
Immerse yourself in God's word and memorize it.
Matthew 11:29,
"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;
for I am meek and lowly in heart:
and ye shall find rest unto your souls."
for I am meek and lowly in heart:
and ye shall find rest unto your souls."
James 1:19,
"Wherefore, my beloved brethren,
let every man be swift to hear,
slow to speak, slow to wrath:"
"Wherefore, my beloved brethren,
let every man be swift to hear,
slow to speak, slow to wrath:"
To what is the sin of anger likened?
Proverbs 30:33
Surely the churning of milk bringeth forth butter,
and the wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood:
so the forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife."
Proverbs 30:33
Surely the churning of milk bringeth forth butter,
and the wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood:
so the forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife."
Proverbs 17:14
"The beginning of strife [is as] when one letteth out water:
therefore leave off contention,
before it be meddled with."
Proverbs 25:28
"He that [hath] no rule over his own spirit
[is like] a city [that is] broken down,
[and] without walls."
{vulnerable to Satan's attacks}
Proverbs 27:3
"A stone [is] heavy, and the sand weighty;
but a fool's wrath [is] heavier than them both."
Proverbs 19:12
"The king's wrath [is] as the roaring of a lion;
but his favour [is] as dew upon the grass."
{Why does a lion roar? Controlling through fear. The roaring of the lion when he has prey causes fear in the victim and this fear makes escaping harder for the victim and thus aids the lion in capturing his food.Read more:}
Proverbs 27:4
Wrath [is] cruel, and anger [is] outrageous;
but who [is] able to stand before envy?"
A torrent is something that can not be controlled.
Just like you see a tsunami rushing in, it devastates everything in it's path.
It is consumed whole.
I have to tell you I am grateful for the book, Instruction in Righteousness, by Pam Forster. It has been helpful in studying and confessing our sins. One thing I have realized is the depth of God's word is vast. It teaches clearly what one must do to correct or discipline depending on what sin it is, even when one sin has various circumstances, you clearly see how to restore relationships based upon God's word. I was amazed at some of the things I didn't realize I was doing that I shouldn't be doing. Once the verses were all compiled together according to sin, it made it easier for me to learn from and teach my own children.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Love Sufferth Long. . .
I Corinthians 13:4, "Charity suffereth long, [and] is kind;"
My Kindergarten Sunday School group learned this week about suffering long and being kind within our family group this week. I am certain I probably learned more about suffering long and being kind then they did, but it was a good lesson to go over again.
II Kings 11 tells of the story of Baby Joash who was saved by his Aunt Jehosheba from the wrath of Queen Athaliah. While a lot of stories seem simple, I really had one thought hit me on this. Jehosheba hid baby Joash for 6 years in the temple where she lived with her priest/husband. Can you imagine hiding and keeping a young boy quiet for 6 years without anyone knowing about it? But what really got me was that she stopped everything she was doing to assist her nephew to save him. She took on the role of mother to him and taught him all he should know. She didn't get caught up in, "if I save his life, then I might die too" mentality. No she didn't care about her own life. She risked it to save one heir of the King, while everyone else was slaughtered. That is Love. That is suffering long. She didn't lose heart during the 6 years she was hiding her nephew. She persevered through hardship for a very long time because she knew it was worth it. She knew she could be in big trouble if the Queen found out she saved one heir to the through. She did all that because she loved God.
So do I have enough in me to persevere through hardship and struggles to save one? Are my children the most important thing to me that I will endure anything to make sure that they survive this world? Do I care enough for my own family to help them when they need it the most even though it could cost me worldly gain? Am I teaching my own children by my own actions to be kind and stop and help one another even if it means sacrificing our temporary satisfaction/gain? Am I suffering long when I am interrupted for the millioneth time or they want my attention?
Thursday, June 9, 2011
For Instruction In Rightousness

So after getting my husbands permission to get the book, I couldn't wait to check it out. It actually arrived a lot sooner by media mail then I expected. Usually media mail is super slow but I got it in one week! When it got here, it was like a fresh breath cool air. I was relieved and eagerly anticipated digging into the book. After looking through the book quickly, my husband and I decided to go through the book with our sons in the evening for our devotional.
At first glance, the is a lot of information. It can almost be overwhelming figuring out where to begin. So as a family we are going to sit down and cover the areas that concern us the most. As we cover them we will start implementing the better way to discipline our children, but in the mean time we will all learn together what the Bible says to do. I too struggle with a lot of these areas so I look forward to learning it with my kids.
What I like about the book is that it talks about the sin itself and gives scripture on it. It also gives ideas of discipline for each area of sin, what the Bible says the sin is likened to, stories that illustrate the consequences of that particular sin, the blessings that are the opposite trait of the sin with scripture so that you can understand what we should be doing, stories of that blessing and verses to memorize.
I really look forward to this study as a family. This is another area we need to improve upon is taking time as a family to participate in Bible Time. We do read the Bible to our kids each night, but now with our oldest going into school, we need to add another level of maturity during that Bible time for him.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Wheels On The Bus
Today my oldest son was dropped off at summer school. He was so excited he couldn't wait to get out of the house this morning. He kept asking every two minutes when it was we were going to leave. I have to admit it drove me a little nuts this morning. We got to school and ran into one of his friends from church. It made me feel better that he had someone there to show him around.
It wasn't until we drove home that I felt torn and a little sad. It's an exciting time in his life. A new adventure waiting to unfold. All I could do is leave him in God's hands and ask God to watch over him. It's hard to let him go, but I know my son will do well.
I walked back into an empty house that was quiet. Really quiet. My son is a talker and sometimes talks non-stop without taking a breath. Even my youngest fell asleep on the way home so I couldn't talk to him. All I can do now is anticipate when we go pick him up and listen to him tell us his stories for today. I look forward to seeing him later today.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Bible Quest
It has been a busy week and I am ready for another weekend! It's amazing when you have 1 Holiday thrown into the week that it makes your week seem even longer! I hope each of you had a great Memorial Weekend last weekend. I'm looking forward to spending time with my oldest son before he starts school on Monday.
Here is this weeks quest!
The pygarg
The behemoth
The serpent
The coney
- 6.) Where in Eden did the LORD God plant a garden?
- 7.) What was placed at the east of the garden of Eden, to keep the way of the tree of life?
Angels, and a flaming lamp
Cherubim, and a flaming sword
Seraphim, and a flaming torch
Rephaim, and a flaming wall
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