I want to serve the Lord by what I do and say. By sharing my life with you, I hope that in some way I can point you to a better relationship with Christ.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Grandmothers are Precious

My Grandmother was always a lively woman.  In fact I remember my Uncle Richard telling me years ago that it was Grandpa that had to tell her to simmer down sometimes.  My Grandfather who was so quiet telling my Grandmother who is so social to calm down.  I can see it even now.

Grandfather passed away in 1999.  This week we got word that my Grandmother was not well.  She fell and had internal bleeding.  You see she only weighs a whopping 79 lbs.  I can't even imagine!  Mom told me I needed to come down and see her.  So my sister and I dropped everything and drove down to see her.  It may be our last time.  They don't know if she will make it a week or not or if she will last another winter.

Grandmother always wanted to out do her brother and sister and live past 100 or 103.  Well... she almost got there.  96.  She said that she was satisfied with that today.

I'll cherish her memories.  I won't forget how she looked at us today when we got there or how she looked at us when we left.  I'll miss her even though I don't get to see her often. 

Maybe I will have a long life too since it seems to run in the family.  I can only hope.