I want to serve the Lord by what I do and say. By sharing my life with you, I hope that in some way I can point you to a better relationship with Christ.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


One of my favorite things I like to do is watch a little bit of 48 Hours or Dateline.  Of course, I am careful what I watch, but one thing that sticks out to me is the process that leads people into sin.  I began to notice that it was just one sin in those peoples life that lead to other sins, which lead to more sin.

Remember what the Bible says about when you break one of the 10 Commandments or Law, you have broken them all?  I can clearly see that in some of the stories that were laid out.  One sin of covetousness, lead to hate or an affair and lying and then ultimately to murder.  Interesting...  You just can't commit one sin, because they are usually linked to another one.....

A few weeks ago I noticed that a lot of the news shows where broadcasting stories of affairs or murders dealing with people that attended Baptist churches.  It made me sad to see how much news there was out there, which tarnishes the name of the church.  People then began to view you has an hypocrite if you tell them what church affiliation you are from.  Sad....  But this one particular story was really sad.  It all started with the associate Pastor's family and another family who were close friends.  The wife of the friend was head of the young peoples drama dance team. {yes this church was Baptist church I think.  Sad.}  She started working closely with the associate Pastor and over time they started having an affair which then lead to her husband's murder.

This story reminded me of a radio broadcast I heard about the rise in affairs in churches and some of the warning signs of them.  I don't remember who it was that spoke, but what I heard was good.  Women need to be cautious about working with other men in the church.  What may start out as work can lead into something neither person was looking for.   One may have hit a rough patch in their marriage and pretty soon the other person is building their ego and getting their respect.  Pretty soon it becomes flirtatious.  Then pretty soon they spend more time together and then it because more intimate.

We see it all around us.  We get lulled into a comfort zone of thinking we are immune, but we are not.  We have to be constantly on guard because Satan would like nothing more then to ruin our families lives.  Just look at the families on these shows that go through this.  Their lives are torn apart.  Their kids have not just one parent taken away but possible both, depending on the circumstances.

It makes me glad that our church does not allow women to teach the young men or men in the church.  One the Bible says so, I Tim 2:12, "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. ", but it prevents men from have their emotions played with.  Our young men are all ready bombarded with sinful things from our culture and even in the church.  We need to make sure we protect them.  It makes me realize too as a mother of two little boys how careful we need to be with what we expose them to.  Boys are affected differently then girls are and sometimes as women we forget to teach our young girls and women those things about men.  I never realized it until I got married.

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